Welcome to the Exeter & District Lawn Tennis



The League, based in Exeter, is an associate organisation affiliated to the Devon County LTA and currently provides competitive tennis for 29 clubs in the area. In the Summer Season there are 8 Divisions in the Men's Section and 6 Divisions in the Ladies Section - both playing doubles. In the winter months the hardy take over, playing 4 Divisions of Ladies doubles and 4 Divisions of Men's doubles.

Clicking on the links at the left hand side of this page will give you information such as Rules,Results and Tables, links to other associated web-sites and who's who on the Committee.

Are you new to the area? The 'Club Index'  lists all of our member Clubs, their locations, their own websites (where given) and who to contact should you require further information.

Clubs seeking election to the league please refer to Rules 4, 5 and 7.



The Winter League AGM is on August 20th at 7pm at Victoria Park Tennis Club.


For any problems with this site, please email the Match Secretary at mjsowerby@tiscali.co.uk.